This Public Comment was given virtually on 8/7 in support of removing & replacing gendered language with gender neutral pronouns in the city’s charter. The motion passed.

Good evening city council, city staff, members of the public my name is C.S, and I am here on behalf of the Autism Society Ventura County’s Advocacy Committee. The ASVC Advocacy Committee seeks to engage and build relationships with leaders here in Ventura County. We are a small but mighty team of people with autism and family members that meets regularly to review the agendas of decision-making bodies across Ventura County. Advocacy takes many forms and all too often we forget to acknowledge the small victories. Which brings me here tonight.

We are in support of removing and replacing gendered language with gender neutral pronouns and the changes to gendered non-pronoun language as recommended. Having a male-centric municipal code is no longer appropriate.

Gender neutralization of language is a crucial step to take to improve inclusion in our community. Thank you.

Before I deliver public comments, I thoroughly review ASVC’s Advocacy Committee Policy Guidelines to ensure I follow them but also to center me on our purpose and focus. I found a relevant passage for tonight that I will share.

Policies should be culturally responsive and inclusive, ensuring mutual respect and genuine appreciation of diversity.

While this change does not appear to impact people with autism, families of people with autism, or our autistic community it does on so many levels. Language matters. True inclusion in the community, the workplace, in school, or in government will not happen until bodies like yours take these steps to make sure that our laws really speak for everyone. With this change it will allow for accurate representation of men, women, and non-binary people.

Language has power and taking steps to ensure accurate representation is a step toward a truly inclusive and diverse community. We look forward to watching what comes next. Thank you so much for your time.

For more information on our advocacy committee, e-mail